Do You Have The Right Go-To-Market Model?

GTM Sales Model

If all of you remember from my last article, I mentioned the 15 key components to driving results or revenue, or as I refer to it, Complete Sales Operating System. The first component we are going to look at is GTM or sales coverage strategy.  Some estimate that making the wrong decision in the right hire can cost your company as much as $1M the first six months, and most of that is tied to lost opportunity cost.  So doing this correctly is important.  And the same is true if you deploy the wrong model and then have to change it.

Which model is best for you and why?  Inside sales or Outside?  Reseller or Referral Partners?  Business Development or Technical Support?  The options and combinations are endless, and the key is making sure you get the highest return at the lowest cost.  When I look at putting together the right model I focus on twelve different data points that help me draw my conclusions. 

Here are a few of those data points:
-Length of sales cycle
-How fragmented your market is
-One-time sell or repetitive
-ASP (Average Sales Price)
-Stickiness or how proprietary your offering is

Taking a look at each of these and more can help ensure that you pick the right model.  If you’re like most companies, you can spend up to 50% of your revenues back into sales.  With so much at risk, it pays to have a professional make sure you have it correct for just a fraction of the cost.

Deliverables Sample:
-Recommended resource changes
-Timing of changes
-Estimates revenue improvements & possible cost savings
-Benchmarking comparisons for your industry where available


Revenue Enablement: Establishing a Good Product Market Fit


GCE Process: Revenue Enablement