10 Reasons Why It's Important to be a Part of a Community

"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much"

-Helen Keller

A Basic Human Need – Community
Humans need a community. It’s in our nature to live in groups, to have meaningful connections.

Communities are at the core of who we’re and where we feel at home, no matter what we do.

10 Reasons Why It's Important to be a Part of a Community

When your company’s long-term goals butt heads with the human attention span, you can run into some issues with productivity. For organizations following the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS®), the meeting pulse serves as a fundamental rhythm that powers productivity, fosters alignment and propels progress. It consists of routine meetings among the leadership team that vary slightly in scope and scale. With the meeting pulse keeping your team on track, your organization will start reaping the benefits of a clear direction and systemized schedule. As a business owner or CEO, it can feel lonely at the top. 

There are many resources outside your family and friends that can ease the feeling that you're going at it alone while helping you grow your business. Check out some reasons why YOU should be a part of a community.

1. Interest

A community is a group of people with common interests or shared goals.

Communities give us the opportunity to share ideas and talk about things that may not be in our everyday life.

2. Knowledge

We’re all rich in knowledge; sometimes, sharing it with friends or family is hard. Communities give us the opportunity to do this. For example, if you’re passionate about cadence culture and know a lot about it, you can share your knowledge in a community with people who share the same interest or want to learn more. Your knowledge doesn’t go unused, and others can benefit from it. There’s a simple reason why sharing knowledge is so important. Knowledge is an important asset in today’s society.

3. Support & Safety

Living with uncertainty has become the norm post-COVID. This has made it more important than ever to have a strong support network in place. One of the main reasons behind the importance of community is that it can help fight feelings of hopelessness and give us the certainty that we are safe when surrounded by our community. Furthermore, the benefits go both ways since supporting others also boosts us.

Tough times can hit anyone, and it’s good to know that you don’t have to go through them alone. Being a business owner can be one of the loneliest journeys in life. It's something we see in almost all our members....they have no one to turn to for support. Support keeps people coming back. Even if you’re not the type to need the support of those around you, it’s worth thinking about how you want to receive and give support yourself.

4. Meaningful Relationships

Communities are about giving and taking; the more you do that, the more you share with others and the more likely you’re to build meaningful relationships. Meaningful relationships can develop quickly among like-minded people if they share common interests, shared goals, or experiences. By networking with other community members, you can make new friends, help others or get support and some people even find strategic partnerships, opportunities, clients, or even your new best friend just by networking in communities.

5. Education

It’s a great educational resource. You can gain a lot of knowledge by reading other members' posts, asking for feedback on something you're working on, or pitching and catching up with fellow peers.

6. Connection & Belonging

Togetherness is so central to our experience as humans. We’re social creatures; we want to be with like-minded people. We crave interaction with other people and are drawn to communities. We go to restaurants because of the food and the atmosphere. We go to concerts because of the music but also because of the community. We join clubs because we want to meet like-minded people.

Communities give us a deeper sense of togetherness.

7. Inspiration

Inspiration can come from anywhere. By joining a community on your topic, you can get inspiration from others and benefit from the resources these communities offer.

8. Mental Wellbeing

People who feel a sense of belonging to their community are more able to:

*Reduce the feeling of loneliness

*Feel less stress

*Have higher self-esteem

*Have better mental health

*Have a greater sense of purpose in life (doing more than just earning a living)

Of course, the type of community you belong to can affect your physical and mental health and wellbeing too. Community has been shown to help improve mental health and prevent stress, depression, and anxiety, so choosing your community space carefully is very important to your mental well-being.

And once you find a good community, both sides benefit – being a good member of your community can help you, too!

9. Opportunities

The importance of community goes beyond the personal sphere and extends to professional development. You never know where that could take your business idea or professional life. A community is composed of people who know and care about each other’s well-being, safety, and happiness. They work together for a common goal: to improve their own lives and the lives of those around them. Opportunities are born from communities. Just remember, the main goal isn’t to “take” or have a high position but to share and help others and make your life better by helping others.

10. Influence

Sometimes we need an extra push to stop us from falling into unhealthy habits or thoughts. Experiencing the positive influence of like-minded people is another reason behind the importance of community. A community gives you the opportunity to influence others. Through a community, you can directly influence the lives of hundreds or thousands of people.

If you are looking for a community to fit your needs, reach out to us at GCE Strategic Consulting, we’d be happy to help point you in the right direction. 

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