How To Succeed At Small Business Recruitment

Hiring for a small business may feel more challenging than having a giant corporation's reach and resources. However, keep sight of the fact that small businesses can recruit exceptional candidates too.

 You don't have to have a large budget or expensive software to be successful. So let's dive into how your small business can attract and hire the right people.


The Importance Of A Good Recruitment Strategy

With anything in your business, a good strategy is the backbone to successful implementation. Recruitment is no different. There are many ways to promote your open role and attract qualified candidates. For example, use social media campaigns to showcase your brand and company culture, take advantage of recruitment software that can target ideal candidates, create your job post in a way that stands out and entices individuals, and makes them want to apply to your business beyond your competition. When recruiting, you can also seek out candidates that impress you and reach out – it doesn't always have to be someone seeking you.

Get creative; go where your company hasn't before. The more out of the box you get with your job posting and promotion, the more candidates will flood your inbox.

9 Tips To Attract Top Talent For Your Small Business

Don't let the size of an organization hold you back from recruiting top talent. Your business can flourish with the right people in the right seats, so make sure the effort being put into hiring matches the team you want to build. Here are some tips to attract top talent for your small business.

Create Compelling Job Descriptions

Just as there are many candidates in the world or in your desired location, hundreds and thousands of businesses are seeking help. Make sure your job description stands out to anyone who is seeking employment. Of course, it's essential to have basic information about the job duties and requirements but showcase what makes working for your organization fun. What are the benefits of being an employee beyond the typical 401k health insurance packages? Word your job description with an upbeat, fun tone. Have fun with it, get creative, and make it impossible for candidates to ignore.

Develop A Hiring Plan

Take a look at the bigger picture when building a dream team. Being able to step back and come up with what roles you need to hire and in what order can ensure your strategy is correctly implemented and positions are filled in a way that makes sense to grow your business. Get your priority roles filled by the right people and work from there.

Be Upfront About Salary And Benefits

Transparency is a hot topic right now when it comes to employees and their employers. There should be no guessing from role expectations to culture when working for your organization. The same is to be said about salary and benefits. Time is money, and no one wants to waste theirs; allowing a candidate to see the pay and what is offered for benefits can ensure they are applying to a position that makes sense for them. Nothing is worse for a candidate or a potential employer when someone has made it through the entire vetting process, but the two cannot agree upon a salary or benefits. Get that off the table right away.

Use Social Media To Recruit

Social media is an excellent tool because it allows your posts to reach a broad audience without costing much money if any at all. Make sure your posts stand out and create a campaign to draw attention. Encourage engagement from your existing staff by sharing posts regarding open roles. Having friends recommend an employer while getting more eyes on your job posting will be a win-win.

Partner With A Recruiting Agency

If you need help getting resumes that fit your role, don't count out a recruitment agency. When you work with a team like GCE to help in the recruiting process, resumes are viewed, filtered, and brought to your leadership team to make final decisions. There is very little leg work to do on your organization's end. Recruiters like GCE also know the best ways to promote, use software that you wouldn't have access to otherwise, and use years of experience in recruiting to hone in on the ideal selections for your open positions. It's a set it and forget it for your business.

Showcase What Makes Your Organization Different 

Stand out! As aforementioned, other companies are always searching for the exact ideal candidate as you. What is going to set you apart from the competition? What are you doing to make someone hit "apply?" If there is a draw to working for your business over another, make it well known in the job description.

Create An Employee Referral Program

Friends trust their friend's recommendations, and employees who are hardworking and loyal will bring on more hardworking and dedicated team members. When you set up a referral program, you are telling your staff you value and trust them and are opening the doors for great candidates with the same work ethic. Employee referral programs truly benefit everyone – this should always be one of your tactics when hiring.

Develop A Strong Company And Employee Branding

Before you're even hiring, ensure people know your brand. When customers recognize your brand and believe in your products and a job opening comes up, candidates will be excited at the opportunity to apply. Well-known brands successfully recruit just because candidates want to be a part of the brand or believe in the company's mission. Make your brand strong.

Be Transparent About Growth Opportunities

One of the major benefits of accepting a position is the ability to grow within a company. In most interviews, candidates as what kind of growth potential is in the organization and make sure candidates can envision a future with your organization. Ensuring longevity with your employees will create more loyalty and productivity, not to mention it will be very attractive to those looking to apply.

Recruitment Trends To Keep An Eye

Technology and workplaces are constantly evolving; both have arguably evolved the most in recent years. So here are a couple of trends to consider keeping an eye on as they don't appear to be going anywhere any time soon.

The Rise Of Remote Hiring 

When the pandemic hit, a lot of businesses realized they could save a lot of money on building leases and reach many more candidates by allowing remote work and hiring. Not having to keep your hiring to a geographical boundary can open the doors to a new pool of candidates you wouldn't have reached or considered. There are many benefits to hiring remote workers, and more and more candidates are making this a non-negotiable when they're applying.

Employee Branding

It's no secret we often spend more time at work than we do at home or working than not. Creating a culture and mission your employees can feel good about and represent personally makes a difference in retaining and hiring great employees. Create a strong mission statement and make it known what your brand is all about. You will attract like-minded people who will be proud to represent you while working hard to achieve your goals.

Strong Social Media Presence

Social media isn't going anywhere and, in some cases, has taken over as websites for organizations. It can be a red flag if social pages appear abandoned or stale. Make sure, if social isn't a priority, you find a way to get consistent and showcase your brands personality. Social media is a great resource that makes a difference in how your brand goes to market with customers AND future employees.

Small Businesses Can Recruit Big-Time Candidates

Think outside the box when your small business needs to hire. If you can get creative, build a strong strategy, and use your brand's personality and mission, you will attract top talent. If you're stuck in your hiring strategies or can't find the right people for the right seats, GCE is here to help. We will go to extraordinary lengths to find exceptional talent for your business. Check out more here.


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