Why EOS® GWC is a Game Changer for Your Business

Research shows that organizations with clear role alignment and employee engagement achieve 21% greater profitability. The EOS® GWC framework offers a way to assess how successfully your employees are connecting with their roles. It helps you determine if team members understand their roles and are capable of executing them. Aligning with EOS® core values, GWC helps create a workplace culture where everyone contributes effectively to the company's long-term vision and success. Here, we discuss the value of GWC and give tips on applying the worksheet in your organization.

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What does GWC stand for in EOS®?

One of the core tenets of EOS® is getting the right people in the right seats. To determine this, EOS® provides the GWC tool. GWC stands for "Get it, Want it, Capacity to do it." This tool helps assess whether an individual comprehends their role (Get it), has a genuine enthusiasm for it (Want it), and possesses the necessary skills, time, and knowledge to succeed (Capacity to do it). By using GWC, businesses can ensure that their team members are well-suited to their positions, fostering a more effective and motivated workforce.

How to Use the EOS® GWC Worksheet

Of all the EOS® tools, the GWC worksheet is pretty simple. Through a series of yes/no questions, you determine if a person is a good fit for the role.

What is the GWC Worksheet?

The GWC worksheet includes a series of questions that assess whether a person fits a particular role in an organization. By evaluating their understanding, desire, and capability to perform their job effectively, you can better align the right people with the right roles.

A Step-by-Step Guide to the GWC Worksheet

The steps for using the EOS® GWC worksheet are pretty straightforward. But before you judge whether someone is a good fit for the role, you must have clearly defined requirements for the position. Once you know exactly what the role is, you can ask each potential candidate the three questions you need the answers to.

1. Do They Get It?

This question assesses whether or not a person truly understands the function of their role. The GWC worksheet offers two follow-up questions:

  • Do all of the neurons in their brain connect when you explain the job?

  • Do they understand all the ins and outs of the position?

Here’s an example. If you’re hiring for a Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), you want to know that they fully grasp the revenue-generation process, including sales strategies, marketing alignment, and customer relationship management. If they understand the intricacies of developing a revenue growth strategy, they "get it."

2. Do They Want It?

This one’s pretty simple. Knowledge of a position or advanced qualifications won’t help your team succeed if the person doesn’t have an interest in the job. You want to build a team with the passion to see your organization grow. Here are the two prompts from the GWC worksheet to consider for this concept.

  • Does the person genuinely want to do the job?

  • Do they wake up every morning excited to perform their duties?

When assessing a candidate for the CRO role, you should be able to sense their genuine passion for driving revenue growth, engaging with key clients, and leading a sales team. 

3. Do They Have the Capacity for It?

Finally: the capacity question. This one gets at whether or not someone has the hard and soft skills to do the job successfully. 

  • Do they have the mental, physical, spiritual, time, knowledge, and emotional capacity to do the job?

For the CRO position, you can start by looking at their resume. Determine if they have previous experience in a leadership position, strategic thinking skills, and emotional resilience to handle high-pressure revenue targets that your team requires. 

Benefits of Implementing GWC in Your Business 

Reading the “how to” section, you may feel excited to apply the GWC worksheet or you may feel underwhelmed by its simplicity. How does asking three basic questions help shift things for your organization? Before you make any more judgments, consider some of the benefits of applying GWC in your business. 

  • Enhanced Role Clarity

  • Improved Job Satisfaction

  • Increased Operational Efficiency

  • Better Team Alignment

  • Enhanced Performance

Conducting Annual GWC Reviews 

Assessing the GWC isn’t just part of the hiring process. The role of EOS® leaders is to support the accountability of their entire team. Conducting annual GWC reviews helps ensure everyone is aligned with the purpose of their positions. These reviews help identify areas for improvement, recognize achievements, and realign roles and responsibilities as needed. 

Best Practices for Conducting Annual GWC Reviews

  • Prepare Thoroughly: Gather data on performance, feedback, and metrics. Review job descriptions and GWC criteria.

  • Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Create a space for open dialogue and communicate specific and measured reflections about each person’s role.

  • Recognize Success: Acknowledge your team members who exemplify the GWC mentality to reinforce positive performance.

  • Develop Action Plans: Make a plan for additional training or mentoring to support a team member’s growing capacity.

Final Thoughts: Achieving Business Harmony with EOS® GWC

Utilizing the EOS® GWC tool, you can optimize your team's performance. It simultaneously shows you the strengths and weaknesses of your team and promotes role clarity among your staff. However, using this insight means making some challenging staffing decisions. 

At GCE Consulting, we specialize in helping businesses implement EOS® effectively. We can help you use the GWC assessment and build a more productive and aligned team. With GCE’s support, get the right people in the right seats. Contact us today to streamline your EOS® processes and drive your vision forward.


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