How to Ensure Your EOS® Quarterly Meetings Are Done Right

When a meeting is called, it should be an effective and productive use of everyone's time. But, maybe you feel your leadership team gets distracted easily or that the agendas you are putting together aren't getting to the critical issues you need to address. The EOS® Quarterly meeting was designed to be an effective way to go over and assign tasks to help your organization reach its annual goal. So let's dive in a bit deeper:

What Is An EOS® Quarterly Meeting?

The Quarterly Meeting is one entire day dedicated to improving your business. This meeting ensures leadership comes together to refocus and evaluate priorities and performance and make new priorities (if needed) for the upcoming 90 days. The EOS® Quarterly meeting is also the ideal time to address any problems, halt development, and come to resolutions.

The Quarterly Meeting is crucial to ensure your organization remains on track and open communication between the leadership team.

EOS® Quarterly Meetings Best Practices

You've scheduled the Quarterly Meeting for your organization. Because the meeting is an entire day for the leadership team, you want to ensure you are getting the most out of your meeting and everyone is engaged and clear on what needs to be done going forward. Here are some EOS® Quarterly Meeting best practices:


The segue is a vital way to engage with your meeting attendees. Each attendee is asked to share their best personal and business updates, what they feel is and isn't working in the company, and the expectations for the meeting. According to EOS®: "This helps get everyone working on the business and identifies key issues that should be discussed later in the meeting. Stating clear expectations helps to set the stage for the real work ahead." 

Review Past Quarter Rocks™

Taking time to look at what has been accomplished or what still needs to be focused on can help you adjust your expectations and goals for the upcoming quarter. After a discussion and realizing what was accomplished, you can decide how to proceed. Sometimes that means carrying goals over to the next quarter is necessary, while addressing what can be done differently for others can make a difference in completion. Reviewing past Rocks™ is a great time to give and get feedback on what went smoothly and what needs to change.

V/To (Vision/Traction) Review

This is the time to address any questions or concerns or clear up any confusion among the team. In this portion of the agenda, the company vision and goals are discussed to ensure everyone is clear about the future.

Set Next Quarter's Rocks

Setting next quarter's Rocks will determine the quarter's key goals. If done correctly, this step will make it clear where you are headed and what to expect when it comes to the organization's annual goal. Once you have done so, you will decide how to organize those tasks and proceed with them.

Problem-Solving IDS ™ (issue, discuss, solve)

Here, you will go over, in detail,  issues you have encountered. Take a look with your leadership team and remove the problems that have been resolved. Next, add in any new cases that may have arrived by newly created tasks

When it comes to IDS™, EOS® recommends "first prioritize the top three issues on your list to discuss. The team then identifies an issue's root cause, openly discusses possible solutions, and defines action steps. Completing these action steps will resolve the issue forever. The team carries forward any issues that aren't ready to be resolved yet."

Next Steps

Everyone at the meeting should be clear on what the next steps are. This is also the time when action items or owners are confirmed.

Conclude Meeting

At the conclusion of the Quarterly Meeting, each member will give their feedback on the day if their expectations for the meeting were met and will rate the effectiveness of the discussion on a scale of 1-10. Ten being most effective.

EOS® Quarterly Meetings are an excellent way to organize your agenda and ensure everything you intended to discuss is covered. After the meeting adjourns, everyone in the room will be clear on what they need to do for the current quarter and will have resolved any issues they had or see for the future.

If you're looking to make the most of your quarterly meetings, GCE can help. Start the conversation today.


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