Interview with InDinero CEO, Jess Mah
Hi, I am Jesse Frye, and I am here today with Jess Mah, CEO & Visionary of InDinero, and Ken Paskins, CEO and founder of GCE Strategic Consulting. We are going to discuss InDinero’s journey with EOS® through their implementation and the benefits of having an experienced Integrator working side-by-side with the Certified EOS® Implementer.
Jess Mah - Indinero Visionary (source:
Jesse Frye - Jess, first tell me about InDinero and how it could help some of our customers and followers.
Jess Mah, InDinero - "Hi InDinero provides outsourced accounting services to any size organization. With a team of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), CFOs, Controllers, and everything in between, we guarantee you'll get the accounting services and business insights you need.”
Jesse Frye - Great, and how long have you been using EOS®?
Jess Mah, InDinero - "We have been using EOS® for three years, working with a fantastic implementer by the name of Eric Albertson. “
Jesse Frye - That's great that you have been using EOS® for three years with an implementer, but still, you reached out to GCE and asked them to come in to help; why is that?
Jess Mah, InDinero- "We found that we were having great quarterlies, and Eric Albertson holds us accountable in the sessions; however, we have found once we come out of those, we stray some and lack a little bit of discipline in just effectively running our L-10's and sticking to the process, so Eric recommended we bring GCE in to assist. So we hired them to run our L-10's and drive accountability.”
Jesse Frye - What was that experience like?
Jess Mah, InDinero - "Painful to start as it forced a change of our team and being held to a higher level of accountability which I supported. In the end, it forced our team to align around the EOS® system and run on a single operating system, as Eric taught us during focus day. At this point, we have the best scorecard and full visibility of the business."
Jesse Frye - Ken, tell us why you believe it is essential to have both a professional implementer and an experienced integrator when implementing EOS®?
Ken Paskins, GCE Strategic Consulting - "Jesse, thanks! Jess said it well, but what we see many times is once you get outside the quarterly, if you lack a true Integrator and or the Visionary wants to do what they do best, things can go off track. So often, GCE is brought into companies for a variety of reasons.
First, reinforce what is being taught by the Implementer around the Entrepreneurial Operating System.
The second is to mentor an existing Integrator who may be new to EOS® or business itself. Many organizations new to EOS® have had a visionary typically sitting in both the visionary and Integrator seats, which means the Integrator is often promoted from within the organization and usually has little experience in this particular role.
I was just speaking with a gentleman today out of Louisville, and he owns three separate companies. He has an implementer and he just hired an Integrator to run all three companies and appears to have excellent business acumen. However, the Visionary wants to get the total return out of EOS® and set the Integrator up for success. In this particular case, GCE will come in and mentor the Integrator around the EOS system and support them until they are fully up and running and comfortable with EOS®.
GCE will sit on the weekly L-10's and hold a one-on-one with the Integrator to get up to speed quickly and effectively execute. This engagement offers value to the Implementer as they can stay out of the weeds and focus on what they do best.
Additionally, one of the GCE bridge Integrators can jump in for anywhere from 6-12 months and operate as a bridge Integrator. Using a bridge integrator helps companies see what it is to have a professional Integrator at the table and a full-time taste of the results.
The fourth thing we can do is to find you a full-time Integrator. We have a unique model, and we don't charge hefty fees like most companies. This allows comp. The bottom to flex up and down our search services to match their cash flow requirements.
The bottom line is no one out there offers you a variety of options to ensure your Integrator success like GCE. You can read more about this topic in our latest ebook titled “Increasing the ROI on your EOS Implementation”
Jesse Frye - Jess, thank you for providing clarification on how the relationship between InDinero and GCE has worked for you and Ken, thank you for giving the readers more insight into how experienced Integrators compliment Certified Implementers.
Key Learnings:
Having both a professional implementer and a professional Integrator are critical for your EOS implementation.
Three hurdles for companies implementing EOS
How can a certified implementer help
How does a professional integrator help
You can learn more about InDinero at, and you can learn more about Eric Alberson at and learn more about EOS®
Disclaimer: Entrepreneurial Operating System, EOS, and their affiliated trademarks are the Intellectual Property of EOS Worldwide, LLC. GCE Strategic Consulting, LLC is not endorsed by or affiliated with EOS Worldwide, LLC.