What is the EOS Model® and How Can it Benefit Your Organization?


You've most likely heard of the Entrepreneurial Operating System or EOS®. As defined by EOS® themselves, the Entrepreneurial Operating System® is a complete set of simple concepts and practical tools that have helped thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide get what they want from their businesses. Implementing EOS® will help you and your leadership team get better at three main components: Vision, Traction™, and Health in your business. Within EOS® is the EOS Model®, a visual representation of the main categories that any business, large or small, must manage and improve to succeed.

Who Is EOS® For?

EOS® is for businesses large and small looking to scale without limits. If you find yourself overwhelmed by processes and people, EOS® can assist by helping your organization reevaluate its entire framework. Using transparency, accountability, and alignment, EOS® helps business leaders focus on what matters most in driving results and running a business in a way that is efficient and productive. With all the tools and resources EOS® has to offer, everything in your business, from meetings to hiring and honing in on what priorities matter most, will be clear and easy to improve and manage long term, helping you truly get the most out of EOS®. Get ready for your company to run like a well-oiled machine and grow exponentially.

What Is The EOS Model®?

As we've discussed above, the EOS Model® showcases, in an illustrative way, the main categories all businesses should continuously work on and improve to succeed and grow. The goal of the EOS Model® is to allow crucial parts of your business to be transparent and clear within your organization so improvements can be made where necessary or maintained where they are already successful. 

So, why is implementing the EOS Model® so important? While it may seem obvious to some, other businesses have difficulty with transparency in certain areas. Allowing specific, essential components in your organization to become open and honest allows for visibility into items that aren't working and brings issues to the forefront to be resolved. While the word "issues" is typically associated with negativity, the EOS Model® suggests having problems come to the surface in your business can lead to positive changes like new, improved processes, accountability, and eventually growth.

Benefits Of Implementing The Entrepreneurial Operating System Model®

There are many benefits to implementing the EOS Model® in your company's framework. First is the helpful organization of the Key Components™, which allows you to neatly assess, organize and place focus on the most critical areas when otherwise you may have overlooked them. Next are the tools EOS® provides to help you manage and maintain the transparency of all the Key Components™, which provides a healthier framework for businesses to operate more effectively and efficiently.

Evaluate why is this model different from others in our EOS vs. Scaling up post.

The Six Key Components™ Of EOS®?

So, by now, you must be dying to know just what the six Key Components™ of the EOS Model® are:


strengthening this component means the end goal and how you plan to get there is crystal clear to everyone in the entire company.


Build a strong and determined team. You cannot get to where you're going without surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals all working toward the same goal.


Getting down to a handful of essential numbers within your business that gives you a realistic grasp on where things stand.


As mentioned above, issues can lead to new and improved processes. The more you know about your problems the more you can focus on resolving them and ensuring they don't repeat themselves.


Getting processes in place that everyone consistently follows is crucial to the success of your business. Get the framework down of how you'd like your business to run, and make sure it is clear to everyone on your team, so you are all on the same page. This will lead to expandability. 


Becoming great at execution and accountability, allowing your vision to be brought to life and seen to completion.

By managing and maintaining these Key Components™ your company to thrive.

Let the EOS Model® Work for Your Business

The EOS Model® works well for all businesses alike in organizing main categories that need to work together to create a successful business by using transparency and creating a lucid, open organization. Want to get your business started on a growth path? Contact GCE today.


Get The Right People in the Right Seats with the EOS® People Analyzer


How to Properly Implement an EOS® Accountability Chart